I did say I'll be back real soon, right?
But I was kind of...frighten by myself? LOL
I think I might have multiple personalities.
The other me kept telling me to write something here in Kyrios's blog,
right after I posted the little short declaration a couple of minute ago.
Kyrios has been wearing his black trousers for 2 months,
and I did not bother to put it off or replace it with other pants.
So what happen is.... Kyrios's legs were stained with black and brown color.
It was freaking me out, seriously...
even though I had already predicted this kind of thing would happen,
since the pants was bought from China site.
Yesterday was not the first time I tried my best to get rid of the stain on Kyrios's legs.
Guess what?
I can't believe that I spent 3 hours to wash it off, just using magic sponge with a little bit of water.
OMG getting rid of the stain is really killing me I tell you...
The scar on his tummy... Sorry I'm not a good mother... *sobs*
But I promise I will try my best to be more careful, my dear Kyrios... *SOBS*
By the way, I found some useful apps
(I know I'm always the last person to get updated)
Downloaded Flashlight from Market place.
(btw, ASUS is dead and replaced with X10 a couple of months ago.)
The phone itself has flashlight but you can't use it unless you switch it on when you're using phone's camera.
See? It's very useful right? XD I can place it under my PL-2 when the lighting isn't good for shooting picture~
(yea, I can't use flash cuz Kyrios's skin will die in horror)
Kyrios: Momma, the light is sho...OUCH!!!
XD That's all nya~~~ Will share more "high quality" photos in the next post.